Thank you for your interest in the Merchant Referral Program!

For every restaurant owner you successfully refer to the platform, we’ll give you a CA$500 referral bonus* (credited through your Merchant Portal).

A referral will be considered successful if the merchant you refer:

  1. Is a small business (75 stores or fewer),
  2. Is new to the DoorDash App, and
  3. Completes their first 15 orders within 60 days of signing up
*Subject to Merchant Referral Program Terms & Conditions; view full terms here. 

Please fill in the information about your referral to DoorDash. Be sure to include your DoorDash Store ID so we can send your reward to the right place.

The Merchant Referral Program ends on December 31, 2024, unless terminated earlier by DoorDash at DoorDash’s sole discretion.